Archive for the ‘Similar’ Category

Funny that I was sent the same Doritos Super Bowl spot from two different readers today. One (rightfully) pointed out that it’s a blatant rip off of another spot (see above). And when you watch them side-by-side, it’s pretty clear that’s true. The other reader linked to this article that also (rightfully) rants on how […]

This Hyundai “Turboface” commercial was better when it was called “Get more Gs.”

Ok, maybe I spoke too soon the other day when I said this campaign for Born Free was a different take on the usual. AgencySpy has a post up showing the similarities to a campaign done a year ago by Toronto-based Holmes & Lee and Reason Partners. Are they similar? Yes. Are they far enough […]

Too many jokes.


The model for and extreme right wing nut job congresswoman Michelle Bachmann – separated at birth? Man, with the copy on this banner ad and the history of Ms. Bachmann, there are just too many jokes.

From the “Great Minds Think Sorta Alike” category comes these two ads, one from Whybin\TBWA Sydney for Australia’s ASCA (Adults Surviving Child Abuse) and the other for the Weingart Homeless Center created by David & Goliath. Both ideas use the concept of putting yourself in the place of child abuse/homelessness. The former is a print ad and […]