Posts Tagged ‘green’

While I feel like I’ve seen this setup before – come to a small town, do something cool for the citizens, document it in a hometown-y way – I really can’t find much to fault in the way Mitsubishi did it for their electric car. It’s really nicely shot. The people are super likable. And […]

What do you know? A fart joke that actually has a concept behind it.

I’ve got to say that while it’s gimmicky, Coke’s “green” billboard in the Philippines is a pretty damn cool idea. The plants each suck 13 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air each year – and they’re planted in recycled coke bottles. Even the potting mixture was made from industrial byproducts and organic fertilizers. All told, […]

Here’s a sweet idea from the Surfrider Foundation in Brazil. To highlight ocean pollution, they collected 10,000 pieces of trash from Brazilian beaches, then mailed them to people with a reminder that “The garbage thrown on the sea returns someday. For everybody.” It’s such a great, simple thought and perfect execution. Awesome work.

Well, this is really, really great news: Pepsi announced yesterday that it has “cracked the code” for making an environmentally-friendly bottle made entirely of plant material — including switch grass, pine bark, and corn husks.

While it’s a really fun idea, this Lee bag – that turns into a calendar, stickers, checkerboard, Do Not Disturb sign and more – kind of misses the point. If you want an eco-friendly initiative, printing millions of bags isn’t the way to do it. Why not make a reusable bag? Why not make a […]

SunChips made a huge deal about their compostable bag when it first came out. But when Rob Cockerham decided to test that claim, it didn’t exactly pan out as advertised. “The SunChips bag didn’t disintegrate in my compost pile, and I doubt they will disintegrate in any home compost pile. In 25 weeks, most of the […]

When I was the Creative Director at the environmental ad agency Saatchi S, we discussed creating our own version of that “Save a tree. don’t print unless necessary.” footer that we’ve all seen at the bottom of documents and emails. It was one of those internal projects that always got pushed aside. But if we […]

Go beyond oil.


I’m really liking the animation of this “Go Beyond Oil” video from Greenpeace. It’s also appropriately informational without dumbing down the content to be meaningless. Let’s hope this gets some traction and people learn a little something from it.

If there is any doubt that creativity can change the world, check this out. Replenish Cleaning Products took a completely new look at sustainable ways to package their products and ended up with a truly creative solution – they took out the water. Now, instead of using energy to ship something that was 99% water […]