Archive for January, 2011

How long has it been since I saw a campaign for batteries that I loved? Energizer back in the late 80’s? But this one for Energizer in Canada is hilarious. They’re super quirky, the jingles are funny, and the payoffs (which once you’ve seen one, you can see coming from a mile away) seriously crack […]

Didn’t exactly see the twist coming at the end of this spot, but once I did, it kind of creeped me out. I mean, I get what they’re getting at, but it’s just all too weird. Via.

SunChips made a huge deal about their compostable bag when it first came out. But when Rob Cockerham decided to test that claim, it didn’t exactly pan out as advertised. “The SunChips bag didn’t disintegrate in my compost pile, and I doubt they will disintegrate in any home compost pile. In 25 weeks, most of the […]

Posted without comment. Via.

Highlight the product’s benefits – check. Show some usage examples – check. Keep it simple and memorable – check. Make it different than anything else on TV – check. I’ve got to admit, I rather like these ads for The Tuna Council by Grey. They probably won’t win any awards or make some early-20’s ad […]

If I ever happen to have on a meat poncho (no, that’s not a euphemism for anything) and have a pack of wolves set upon me by a Deliverance sidekick, I’ll make sure I have my Degree on. Otherwise I’ll just stick to my usual stuff and pray that Bear Grylls gets eaten by a […]

One of my favorite Bill Bernbach quotes is “An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.” And this Psyops spot for JP Morgan Chase is the perfect example. The pop-up treatment has been done a hundred times before. The story they’re telling isn’t anything unique. But man, […]

The sad thing is, most advertising is basically just this.

Funny that I was sent the same Doritos Super Bowl spot from two different readers today. One (rightfully) pointed out that it’s a blatant rip off of another spot (see above). And when you watch them side-by-side, it’s pretty clear that’s true. The other reader linked to this article that also (rightfully) rants on how […]

From the ridiculous-but-true file: A California entrepreneur is planning to launch a line of pot-laced soda drinks. “Besides his flagship cola drink, Canna Cola, he will also produce Dr Pepper-like Doc Weed, lemon-lime Sour Diesel, grape-flavoured Grape Ape and orange-flavoured Orange Kush.”